My life, on line!
Archive for January, 2020
Te Paki stream 02.01.2020.
05 years
We all squished in to our old wagon and off we set up TePaki stream, the stream was a bit tricky there were long stretches of really soft sand where we sank right in and the engine revved as we heaved along, then there were areas where there was deep water and as we chugged through I was sure water would come inside!
We arrived at a spot where we could go sandboarding and us girls ran to the top of the dunes and sped down really fast!
I came off my board at the bottom and had my skin sandpapered! It was great fun!
Then we went swimming in the lake at the top of the stream road, it was cold but it was nice to wash off all the sand!

Us sandboarding.

Dune formations.
Mum walking in the sand dunes.

Mum and me.

Me on the sand dunes.