Wow! We moved the big tank!


For weeks now we have been pumping (bit by bit) the water from our bottom tank up to our top tank, it had run dry because of the drought, we haven’t had rain at home since November 2019 and although Mum and I are careful we have to water all our animals as well. Mum bought a pump which can run off our solar power and in the hot, sunny afternoons we pumped water.

Eventually there was only a little bit of water left, we were ready to go!

Uncle John brought a big flat trailer down and some friends and they heaved and swore and sweated, eventually got the tank sort of on the trailer.














They tied it on and off they set…about 100 mtrs up our paddock they had to stop and tie it on again because it kind of fell off a bit. I was worried that might happen on the road but about an hour later we got a picture from uncle John…they had got there in one piece!


Out the back!


We loaded Ronald and Halt onto our trailer after they had a haircut and took them to meet the girls! My goat’s live right out the back of my family’s farm at the moment (one day they will be moved to our new place) it took us quite a while to get there as we had to go slowly over the bumps so we didn’t jostle the bucks, finally we arrived in “Bill’s bridge” paddock and I saw my does ( or nanny’s) We stopped and let the bucks out.




Me opening the gate!



The Doe’s stood and looked on from a distance, the bucks got off the trailer and started nibbling on some tea-tree…….then they ran off in the wrong direction!!

We saw them again when we were half way home, silly things! We left them to it, maybe hey will work it out themselves? Mum and I will check on them in a day or two to make sure they have joined up with the girls. I need lots of kids this year so they better sort themselves out!

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