Archive for March 20, 2020
The tank-stand shower.
0While Mum’s phone was dead we got on and concreted the base of the tank-stand for our outdoor-shower, it was all new to me, I have not done anything with cement before but I liked mixing it up, I put three shovel-fulls of sand in the barrow, three of chip (Mum calls it aggregate) and one of cement.
Then I spent ages stirring it and adding water bit by bit, till finally it was all mixed and fluffy, then I tipped it in for Mum to poke around and make into the shower floor.

Our outdoor shower floor!
We added the drainage and put a grate over the plug hole so the soap can’t get down the drain. We had looked everywhere for a cool grate for our shower but they were all really expensive or hideous so eventually we got some cast-iron pot trivets and used them, I think they look cool!

Our “shower grate”.
Then we built the “splash-catcher” for our outside tap, this is for washing feet or getting water in a bucket or whatever, I think it’s pretty neat too.

The outside tap “sink”.
Now we just need to build the walls and do the plumbing…it will probably be a while till we get back to this though because we have other jobs to do like setting up for the solar panels and installing them.
0Here are a couple of pictures of our kit-set kitchen cupboards, after we varnished them….now all we need is for it to rain again so we can put the drawers together.

Me sanding the cupboards

