Mum and me, building our house from the ground up…

FIREPLACE time! 26.01.2020


Eeeek! Our fireplace has arrived! Well arrived in Auckland. Mum ordered it months ago, it came all the way from Turkey! She saw an add on some online thing and rand the guy up, his family owns a foundry in Turkey and he gets them shipped out and sells them in New Zealand. We liked this one because it has an oven too so we can cook in it and keep warm!

Today we hear from our friend who is picking it up, he has it on his truck and is taking it to his place till he can bring it up! We need to finish building the floor, varnish it AND build the hearth for it before it gets here!!!!


Our fireplace!

A HALL!! 24.01.2020


We started on the living-room floor today! This is our biggest room, we got 10 boards down, not including the fiddly bits by the walls and joints. It was SO cool to be able to walk back and forth along the room! I cant wait till there is more floor!

We had to spend the weekend at home but tomorrow we can go back and do some more!


Me standing on the first floor boards!


The “hall-way”.

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