Mum and me, building our house from the ground up…

Walls! 13-21 01.2020


The Walls in our house didn’t have a roof over them for a long time in winter, we were building the top floor and it took a while. The rain came and made everything wet, then it grew mildew..yuck! We cleaned the beams and tops of the walls before we put the roof on but now we are finishing the rooms, putting in the floors and varnishing we need to scrub them properly. It takes time and it’s hard work!


Wall scrubbed and ready for varnish.


Varnishing finished!














It looks so nice when everything is clean and varnished. It’s hard to see in the pictures but I like it.

IMG_4395 (2)

Tip top!


Before the wall was scrubbed.

The kitchen! 12.12.2019



We are finally able to start building floors on the downstairs of our house! I started in the pantry, then we moved on to the actual kitchen room, I put the last board in the floor (I had to tap it in with the hammer).

Then we were ready to varnish, I can’t help with the varnishing because I’m allergic to the fumes, so I went and started cleaning in another room. We are so happy with our finished kitchen though! What do you think?


Pantry floor done!

The last board in the kitchen floor!



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